现在招聘! 探索SMS设备的职业生涯. 观点的机会


Ashley Godwin and Kyle Melnyk took the leap toward building their own oilfield construction company with a combined 42 years of oilfield experience. The two self-proclaimed Alberta boys had seen it all—from poor response times to lax safety protocols. They were eager to change the game by raising the bar in all facets of oilfield construction.


From the comfortable confines of their "Bat Cave"—an office away from the office—Melnyk admits things haven't always been this cozy. 就在十多年前, the partners set up shop in Godwin's basement where they established TAHK: a company focused on pipelining and facilities, 天然气发电厂, 收集系统和井台. TAHK(发音 策略) is an acronym combining the initial letters of the partners' and their sons' first names.

“TAHK成立之初充满挑战,梅尔尼克回忆道, who oversees project management and the company's pipeline side. "Breaking into 卡尔加里, Alberta's oilfield epicentre, was tough without a sales or marketing team. We were a junior oil field construction company trying to get our foot in the door without a project backlog."


When TAHK landed their first big job on the Tupper West Gas Plant, they began solidifying their reputation for quality and safety. Today, Melnyk and Godwin agree they couldn't have done it without the right equipment supplier.

“塔珀韦斯特是一个真正的转折点, and it transformed us from a junior to mid-sized company,戈德温解释道。, 设施储罐项目首席执行官. "But even when we were juniors, SMS was excellent to work with from the get-go. 短信帮助我们的小公司起步, and they were always more than accommodating when it came to financing or buying equipment."




In the company's early days, TAHK was grateful for our 创新融资解决方案, which helped ensure they had the right equipment for the job. And when they ran into trouble at a job site near 辛顿, SMS helped pull them out of the mud.

"We had sunk a track hoe in the muskeg and we had no backup equipment," remembers Godwin. "SMS refinanced us for a brand new excavator before the insurance came through, 我们能够保持项目的运行. 事实上,我们在30天内就把它启动并运行了."



"Small companies don't have the flexibility that larger players have," says Godwin. "With only a few machines, we couldn't swap out equipment—you need your single piece up and running. SMS was a huge help and they always stepped up—even at the very beginning."

"SMS has always been valuable to TAHK in terms of finding the right piece of equipment or the perfect financial solution,梅尔尼克补充道. "They even helped manage our equipment prior to having an equipment manager. And we didn't have to buy multiple pieces to get great service—we've had it from day one."


Now servicing major companies in Western Canada, TAHK competes and succeeds in a new realm of oilfield companies. The company employs between 200-600 people on any given project—and yet, 他们仍然认为自己很小. It's their small-business values that have contributed to the company's success.

"As a small business, our personal relationship with SMS is very important,梅尔尼克说. “我们想要一张脸和一个电话号码. Our equipment manager has an SMS background and knows all the right people there."

处于快速成长时期的, TAHK从其他供应商租用设备, 但他承认自己没有达到标准. “我们总是回到小松,”梅尔尼克说. "The machines are durable, and we've built that relationship with 全国最大的彩票平台. 我们的设备经理 Komtrax并且每天都在使用它."


TAHK's story is the Alberta dream come true, complete with financial success and accolades. In its first year the company quadrupled it's forecasted revenue, and in 2015 picked up the prestigious Prairies Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year award. Despite their success, Godwin and Melnyk remain humble.

"It's never been about the money," insists Melnyk. “对我们来说,最重要的是完成工作. Do the work well, and the success and rewards come later."

The company attributes its success to remaining adaptable, 雇佣优秀的核心人才, and keeping those small-business values at the heart of everything they do. As owners, Melnyk and Godwin stay involved with clients and employees. They modify their policies and procedures to fit with those of their clients', and 继续 to offer big-company service with small-company efficiency.



One thing's for sure—TAHK has always stayed true to its roots.

"We'll never change who we are, and that's reflected in our company,梅尔尼克说. "We're easygoing guys who give our employees the benefit of the doubt. We grew up blue collar and we keep the culture that way—relaxed and easygoing atmosphere with a great work ethic."

“我们即将进入第11个年头, and SMS has been with us every step of the way,梅尔尼克说. "Our relationship has always been solid, and I think the future for both of our companies is bright."



TAHK满怀深情地回顾他们的旅程, 他承认虽然有挑战, 他们不会改变任何事情.

When asked to provide a nugget of advice for the next generation of oilfield entrepreneurs, 梅尔尼克给出了这样的建议:“保持适应性, stay competitive in the downturns and build a great relationship with your supplier."

无论TAHK的未来如何, 全国最大的彩票平台 will 继续 to lift them up—through the muskegs and beyond.